Recommended Reading
We have collected an extensive list of reading recommendations from our friends and collogues in the industry. Many of them are successful designers and businessowners as well and design professors and prestigious design schools. Check back often as we continue to compile the list with new recommendations and new topics.
by Blair Enns
Thinking With Type
by Ellen Lupton
Don’t Make Me Think
by Steve Krug
Steal Like an Artist
by Austin Kleon
A Type Primer
by John Kane
Redesigning Leadership
by John Maeda
Inventing the Medium
by Janet H. Murray
Visual Research
by Ian Noble and Russell Bestley
Primal Branding
by Patrick Hanlon
The Hero and the Outlaw
by Margaret Mark and Carol Pearson
The 22 Immutable Laws of Branding
by Al and Laura Reis
Methods of Persuasion
by Nick Kolenda